Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Snow, Finally

It started snowing last night and it's still snowing! It's been so warm around here that I forgot it was winter. The snow is light, but it can be packed into snowballs. It's not like the wet, heavy snow that comes down in Chicago, and it hasn't been coming down fast like in Chicago. It's just slowly dropping from the sky, so although it's been snowing for over 12 hours, we have only about 15 cm (6 inches) on the ground. In Chicago, an overnight snowfall would have resulted in a foot, or more.

They don't use salt to melt the snow, so even though they have plowed the streets, the snow is beginning to accumulate again. This makes driving hard, but Germans aren't as dependent on their cars as we Americans are. People are taking the bus, walking, riding their bikes (it is so much fun to ride a bike in the snow!), or pulling their kids on sleds. Philip walked to school with his friend, Jan, and Alex and I went by bike and anhanger (Burley trailer). I actually enjoyed it!

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