Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Happy Birthday

Thursday, June 14, was my birthday, and Sunday, June 17, was Philip's. For my birthday, we went to Mekong Vietnamese Restaurant, which was perfect. This was all I wanted. Saturday and Sunday, on the other hand, belonged to Philip. His friend, Jan (pronounced "Yan"), spent the weekend with us from noon on Saturday till 6PM Sunday. We went to a movie, then out for pizza, ate cake, opened presents, and on Sunday, we spent the day at Playmobil Fun Park.

It was fun, but not relaxing. I remember wanting Philip to be born on June 14, so that I could forget my birthday. He was due on June 6, but he was late, and on June 14, I kept wishing that I would go into labor. I never liked my birthday. I just wanted it to be another day like any other day. Now, I miss having my own special day. Instead of spending my birthday thinking of myself, I now spend it planning Philip's parties. This year I baked brownies for Philip's party at school. I want to be selfish on June 14--I want to spend my birthday in Paris or Mexico or New Zealand with my sister and a few friends.

Swinging back into mom-mode, let me add that I'm very proud of my nine-year-old. He has become so independent. He walks to and from school and piano class by himself. He cleans the table after dinner. He does his homework without complaining. He speaks, reads and writes in two languages, everyday. He gets good grades. And, he loves playing with his little brother! Bob and I are very lucky.

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