Tuesday, September 17, 2013

My Blog

My blog has become inactive, obviously. As I mentioned last year, one reason is that Germany no longer seems like a foreign land to me. When I started this blog, I intended to compare German culture to American culture, but now German culture has become my culture. It makes me sad sometimes, because I miss that feeling of awe that comes from learning something new. Maybe it's time to move again, but I don't really want to leave—Erlangen is my home now.

I had intended to keep up with this blog just as a way to document our travels in Europe, but I've basically run out of adjectives to describe the different countries we've visited. There are just so many times that I can stand writing "beautiful, marvelous, interesting and stupendous!" Therefore, I will let the photos do the describing, and so I will continue posting photos but on Oscar's blog.

For those of you who may still be checking my blog occasionally, thank you for reading my blog over the years, and now just enjoy the photos on Oscar in Europa.

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