Monday, September 28, 2009

German Elections

Yesterday Germans voted and re-elected Angela Merkel as their chancellor. And when did I learn of this election? In July, when my German teacher mentioned it in class. And when did I learn who was running against her? A few weeks ago, when they debated each other. And when did I learn of the debate? The day after. And when did I learn of the exact date to vote? On Friday, when Alex came home from school and reminded me to vote, which, of course, I cannot do.

Granted, I don't keep up with politics the way I used to, but this time, I missed the entire horse and pony show. That is, if there ever was one.

1 comment:

Blopper said...

Well I knew because I saw the election posters all over Erlangen! All those bright shiny faces imploring us to vote.
A friend in the U.S. asked me what it meant that Angela Merckel was re-elected...I have no idea really!