Monday, February 22, 2010


Yesterday the temperature was 3 degrees Celsius, or about 37 degrees Fahrenheit. The snow is definitely melting, but in the forest it's still pretty icy. In my opinion, not a good day for a long walk in the woods. But it was the perfect day for a Wanderung, or hike, for many Germans. I was surprised to see so many people in the Wald by our apartment. I had to take Oscar out and was planning a quick walk, but it turned out to be a longer walk because so many people in the forest meant more people stopping to pet Oscar (have I ever mentioned that Germans love dogs?).

And many of these Wanderer were elderly. It never ceases to amaze me how many seniors in Germany are out and about walking or riding their bikes. In Chicago, I saw our elderly neighbors only in the summer and only in their yards. Here, I see them slowing shuffling to the bus stop or grocery store or with their walking sticks on long hikes through the hills. There are even a couple who look to be about ninety with osteoporosis still riding their bikes.

This is probably why the German government gives monetary benefits (Kindergeld) to people with children. We get 328 Euros every month for the two boys, and all we did was fill out some papers. It's like getting free money. But Germany has a decreasing growth rate and an increasing number of pensioners (mandatory retirement is at 65 or 67). Obviously, they have to give incentives to people to have kids in order for the social safety net to continue working.

They may want to consider increasing the Kindergeld, because the old folks around here look very fit. And balanced--I was the one slipping on the ice yesterday, not them.


Jobove - Reus said...

very good blog, congratulations
regard from Reus Catalonia
thank you

Frankonian said...

Do Oskar likes the boars?

vicki said...

Actually, he's never met the boars. He's met the Wildpferde (he barked at them) but not the boars.

Katie said...

Hi Vicki- just stumbled across your blog on google, thought you might be interested in some other expat blogs in the area.

an expat blog i maintain...

would love to have contributions from you or link to us.

and my personal blog...

also we have a great network of ladies here, if you'd ever like to come for a morning visit. you can contact me on the expat blog with the contact me link...

Kali Om said...

I love this post.

I miss you.

The old people here still look pretty miserable.


Frankonia said...

The boar vivarium is in the Tennenloher Forst on Kurt Schumacher Strasse opposite of Obi. My golden retriever girl is always very excited. The pigs are only interested in the old bread i serve.